Grant Funding

Following are Grant Funding opportunities available to STEM 16 Educators. The list is current as of October 15, 2013.

RFP from the Univ of Mary Washington Philanthropic Society : FUNDING MAX = $10,000 :  CONTACT = See form, or Robert S Rycroft - or by phone at 540-654-1500.

The RFP announces the availability of $10,000 in grant funding.  The submission deadline is November 1, 2012.  The grant (or grants) will be announced at a public ceremony on Monday, December 3 at noon. 
Twenty-seven University of Mary Washington students constitute the UMWPS.  They are currently enrolled in my course entitled ECON 324-Economics of Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector.  The funding for the grants is primarily due to the generosity of Doris Buffett's Learning by Giving Foundation  This year, for the first time, additional funds will be available as a result of my students' own fund-raising activities so actually a bit more than $10,000 will be at stake. 
This year my students are interested in funding educational and/or recreational programs, health services, and career skill development.  Please interpret those categories in the broadest way possible.
To maximize the educational value of the project, the project will be student-directed as much as possible.  Neither Doris Buffett nor I will have much say in the selection of recipients. 
This is the eighth year the course and grant funding have been offered, and the course and grant funding will be available annually at UMW for quite some time in the future.

2012 Cox Charities Grant :  CONTACT =

The 2012 Cox Charities grant window will open Friday, September 21st, awarding grants to qualifying organizations for education programs that further the academic achievement and development of young people through science and technology, mentoring, literacy and other areas promoting youth education.

1 comment:

  1. I read the article of PIC, it is perfectly written and it also describe the useful information about it. Thanks for the share. PIC Grant
